Artisanal frames, board mounts, museal glasses and passes
During these 40 years of experience we have come to realize that a perfect fine art print is only the beginning of the delicate process that will lead to the finished artwork.
Following this insight we were one of the first professional photo labs to establish an INTERNAL ARTISANAL WORKSHOP focussed on producing handmade custom frames and board mouting any format of print.
The biggest strenght of our enterprise comes from the total internalization of the production process. In doing so we can exert the highest quality control and provide to our international clientele tailor made solutions always on time. Our services porfolio is continously updated since we are always looking for new materials and finishing techniques to turn your images and ideas into unique work of arts.
In our line of work we have learned that standards solutions are good but very special artworks are born from cooperation. We love to design together with our clients their final piece of arts. For this reason we are more than happy to use all the tools at our disposal in order to deliver specific solutions and share our expertise.